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2018 Board of Directors


President - Jamie Nelson

Vice President - Xavien Brown

Treasurer - Frank Hayden

Secretary/Web Master - Bob Rhea

Tournament Chairman - Hank Castleberry 



Hombre MGA By Laws






A. The name of the organization is HOMBRE MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION (MGA).




A. The Association is established to foster a spirit of fellowship and camaraderie among its members and to encourage active participation in the game of golf and its related activities, keeping paramount the concept of the enjoyment and honesty of the game.


B. Our goal is to host 12 tournaments each year. The second Saturday of each month is designated for an MGA Tournament from January through December of each calendar year. 





A. Eligibility:


Section 1. Any male golfer, eighteen (18) years or older, shall be eligible for membership in the HOMBRE MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION  (the "Association") and shall be admitted, upon verbal declaration and satisfaction of the Board of Directors (Board) and payment of the annual fee established by the board. Association tournaments shall be conducted pursuant to the following provisions:


1 (a)  Dismissal of any member of the Association may be accomplished by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


1 (b)  Employees of the HOMBRE GOLF CLUB, are eligible for membership in the Association.


1 (c)  On an annual basis, to encourage the participation in Association tournaments of any members who may maintain the designation of "professional", as that term is defined by the rules and regulations of the USGA, the Board of Directors of the Association may, upon majority vote, open any or all Association tournaments to professionals.


1 (d) All participants shall play from the tee box at which their USGA index/handicap is established. For participants whose handicap is primarily established at a course other than the Hombre Golf Club, they shall play from the tee box rated closest to the tee from which their handicap is established. 


B. Dues:


Section 1. Membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors prior to the end of the calendar year. As of January 1, 2016, the annual membership dues are $60.00 per individual.


1. Re-new or join not later than the second tournament of the calendar year to be eligible for end-of-year cash prizes.


2. Members joining after the 2nd tournament of the calendar year will be eligible for end-of-year cash prizes established from the date of joining.


3. Special assessments may be proposed by the Board of Directors. Such proposals must be posted on the website at least fourteen (14) days prior to regular or special membership meeting.




A. The Board of Directors shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Chairman. 


B. They shall be elected annually by the membership to serve a calendar year term of office, January to January.


C. Vacancies in any elected office may be filled by the MGA President.


D. Removal of any officer, for cause, may be accomplished at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


E.  The term of office shall be one year.





A. There shall be a Board of Directors comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Chairman. 


B. The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice annually to formulate policies and direct the operation of the Association.


C. For purposes of transacting business at any called Board meeting, a quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the Board's membership.


D. Upon completion of each Board member's term of office, he shall turn over to his successor a copy of all written materials and records pertaining to the office held. Originals of all materials and records are to be provided to the Secretary.





A. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held, at a minimum, twice annually to discuss direction, rules and policies of the MGA. Notice of meetings will be posted on the MGA website.


B. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President or Board of Directors. Notice of such meetings must be posted in the Hombre Club and/or, the MGA website at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting.


C. For purposes of changing or modifying rules or by-laws, requires a regular or special membership meeting with a quorum consisting 

of two-thirds of  those in attendance. All other proposals to policies and general rules require a simple majority.


D. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order.




A. Duties of the President:


Section 1. He shall preside at all membership meetings and Board of Directors meetings.


Section 2. He shall be an ex officio member of all committees and may cast a tie-breaking vote on any issue.


Section 3. He shall have the authority to disburse Association funds in an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) for any single Association expense or three hundred dollars ($300.00) for multiple Association expenses without prior approval of the Board of Directors.


Section 4. He shall appoint members to the Entertainment Committee as required.


Section 5. He shall have the authority to make decisions in all matters concerning conduct of members.



B. Duties of the Vice-President:


Section 1. He shall assume the duties of the President in his absence.


Section 2. He shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President.



C. Duties of the Secretary:


Section 1. He shall record the minutes of all meetings of the membership and Board of Directors.


Section 2. He shall update the MGA website to include news, the Treasury Report, Challenge Cup Point Standings and other matters important to the general membership.


Section 3. He shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Board of Directors.


D. Duties of the Treasurer:


Section 1. He shall be the custodian of the funds and related records of the Association.


Section 2. He shall report the financial status of the Association at all meetings.


Section 3. He shall prepare a year-end financial statement of Association activities.


Section 4. He shall prepare monthly MGA Challenge Cup Point standings.


Section 5. He shall prepare the monthly Treasury Report.


Section 6. He shall maintain a record of all paid members for the calendar year.


Section 7. He shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President.


E. Duties of the Tournament Chairman:


Section 1. He shall assist the Board in developing tournament formats.


Section 2. He shall assist the Board in rules that govern play for each MGA tournament. 


Section 3. He shall enforce all club rules and USGA rules applying to each tournament.





A. Tournaments


Section 1. The Tournament Chairman shall consult with the Board and assist planning, organization and supervision of all tournaments. 


Section 2. The Board shall plan, organize and promote the entertainment activities of the Association.


Section 3. The Board shall prepare budgets and estimated costs for each function.




A. Nominations:


Section 1. It shall be understood that the incoming Board of Directors will be nominated and voted on at the end-of-year awards ceremony.


Section 2. All nominees must have indicated their acceptance of the nominations prior to an election.


B. Elections:


Section 1. The slate of nominees shall be voted on at the end-of-year awards ceremony.




A. Procedure:


Section 1. Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing, signed by five members and posted on the MGA Website at least fourteen days prior to the next scheduled membership meeting.


Section 2. The proposed amendment shall there be voted upon and, if approved, by a two thirds majority of members present, the amendment shall become a part of these By-Laws.

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